GDPR Selskabets politik for indsamling, behandling og opbevaring af persondata i forbindelse med generalforsamlinger Selskabets politik for indsamling, behandling og opbevaring af persondata i forbindelse med generalforsamlinger 287.1 KB The company’s policy on collection, processing and storing of personal data in connection with general meetings The company’s policy on collection, processing and storing of personal data in connection with general meetings 114.2 KB
Selskabets politik for indsamling, behandling og opbevaring af persondata i forbindelse med generalforsamlinger Selskabets politik for indsamling, behandling og opbevaring af persondata i forbindelse med generalforsamlinger 287.1 KB
Selskabets politik for indsamling, behandling og opbevaring af persondata i forbindelse med generalforsamlinger 287.1 KB
The company’s policy on collection, processing and storing of personal data in connection with general meetings The company’s policy on collection, processing and storing of personal data in connection with general meetings 114.2 KB
The company’s policy on collection, processing and storing of personal data in connection with general meetings 114.2 KB